Captain's Log... while I may be more of a Star Wars fan for its roguish and fantasy elements, I was also raised from a young age on Star Trek. I didn't see the original series much; I do recall sitting on someone's retro shag carpet watching a tiny television screen on thin tall legs, as tribbles or Doomsday machines or something reran in technicolor. I was definitely introduced to Star Trek through The Next Generation, my dad's complete VHS box set of the films, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager. In fact, my familiarity with the characters of the Original Series came about through the '70s cartoon, and seeing the original episodes later on. My dad and older cousin brought me to a Trek Convention. They had a teleporter, tribbles, uniforms, models, and James Doohan! The philosophy and ideals of the future Federation certainly appeal to me. My cousin built his DS9 model, and I have had a lot of fun with the Nintendo game. My favorite characters are Data, Geordi, Spock, and Worf.


Don't hate. Assimilate.

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