One of my absolute favorite places in the world (that I've been to) is New Orleans. The music. The food. The multitude of accents. The crazy cabbies. The weird old art and architecture. Not to mention the mysterious religion of Vodoun, or Vodun, or Voodoo. It originated from Africa and still has strong roots to many of those traditions. But in America, as with many things in New Orleans, a variety of Native American, Caribbean and immigrant cultures mixed to create a religion just as fun and strange as the city itself. Don't believe the Hollywood hype and myths about Voodoo, it's not anything like is depicted in most pop culture. In New Orleans you can buy a kitschy voodoo doll in the same touristy markets as you'd get any souvenir, or you can visit the Voodoo Museum itself. There are lots of fun things to do in the city, from classic historical restaurants, to spooky cemetaries, to the Mardi Grad float warehouse, to a faceful of powdered sugar from a beignet, or just wandering into a live music show (blues, rock, jazz, zydeco, etc). I got some really amazing photographs while I was there last time. I've been a few times, but oddly never during Mardi Gras.
Agh, nobody in the town I'm in now celebrates Mardi Gras but me! What gives?

I would love to go back soon.

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